Molecular Biology Suite/Work Space 5/

Applied Biosystems, Quant Studio 5

Within the Molecular Biology Suite we have three core pieces of equipment:

-Implen NP80 spectrophotometer - Quantification of e.g. nucleic acid concentration/purity for both nl-ul volumes. ( 

-Applied Biosystems SimpliAmp thermal cycler - Thermal cycler compatible with 96-well and microtube formats. (

-Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 real-time PCR system - 96-well format (0.2 ml) real-time PCR system for gene expression analysis with multiplexing capability (


Lab: Wolfson BME 405 Cell & Tissue Engineering Lab
Location: University of Strathclyde
G4 0NR
Owner: Catherine Henderson
Contact: Peter Childs

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