Reel to reel calendering machine

Gelon, GN400-H450

Incoming material dimensions: 100-450 mm, coil diameter ≤400 mm

Roll line speed: 1-12 m/min

Max pressure between rollers: 1500 kN

Dust removal device prior to calendering.

Structure: Horizontal arrangement of two rollers

Roller roundness:  ≤±0.001 mm

Radial runout tolerance: ≤± 0.002mm

Heating temperature: room temperature to 120 ± 0.5?

Roller press preset line pressure: 5 t cm-1

Pressure between two rollers: 10-200T, adjustable.

Lab: Colin Vincent Centre for Battery Technology
Location: University of St Andrews
KY16 9AJ
Owner: NEXGENNA Admin
Contact: NEXGENNA Admin

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