Cu/Mo Ka1 High Resolution Diffractometer

STOE, Stadi P

Please note that this instrument is currently undergoing upgrades and is expected to be operational by July 2020


High-resolution diffractometer fitted with two goniometers:

  • Mo Kα1 radiation, with Mythen 1K detector (funded via the Faraday Institution through the NEXGENNA project). Monochromatic radiation with peak FWHM down to 0.03 °2Θ. Variable temperature measurements possible over the range 80 - 400 K.
  • Cu 1 radiation, with linear PSD detector. Monochromatic radiation with peak FWHM down to 0.08 °2Θ.

Lab: XRD Research Facility, MSE (Sheffield)
Owner: Nik Reeves-McLaren
Contact: Nik Reeves-McLaren

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