NMR-BASE AVII+600 NMR Spectrometer

BRUKER, Avance 2+

The existing 600 MHz NMR spectrometer will form the basis of the NMR-BASE Facility, the result of an award by BBSRC under award number  BB/X019594/1.

NMR-BASE: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Biomolecule Analysis in Supported Environments will provide opportunities for In-Cell NMR studies, tissue/gel/cell matrix studies and longitudinal studies of biologically sensitive samples that need to be stored cold immediately prior to NMR data acquisition. It is anticipated that a four-nucleus cryoprobe will be installed alongside flow-cell capabilities to provide a unique facility that will be open to access by researchers across the UK.

Lab: TG303 NMR
Location: Thomas Graham Building
295 Cathedral Street, Glasgow
Owner: John Parkinson
Contact: John Parkinson

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